The Caldecott
Chronicles No 1 Review
SilverHouse Books
R. G. Bullet
Rating: 8/10
Description: Caldecott Estate, the ancestral home of the 32nd Earl of
Rothshire, is besieged. The undead are traipsing and crawling across overgrown
lawns, intent on ripping the very flesh from the Earl’s body.
But many of them will not make it
that far as the 32nd Earl has two things in their way: A prized
Purdey shotgun and an accomplice named, Saffy. Saffy is a young and simple girl
from the local village. She is quick of foot at setting traps, and dispatching
the undead to the afterlife. She is endlessly coming up with cunning and
disturbing methods to rid the estate of the disease.
The bizarre and gruesome details are
narrated in a journal by a very Aristocratic British gent. Get a first hand
look on how the Victorian upper class deal with stumbling trespassers and see
how one draws inspiration from a teenage girl born to kill.
Well, what can I say; I really enjoyed this little story. I can’t say that I
have read many zombie books and stories, but I can say that this one has
encouraged me to read more as it’s an exciting genre and I really liked the
sense of urgency that made me turning the pages.
You really
feel that you are inside the protagonist’s head, and that there could be a
zombie just around the corner from them, so you want everything to work out
okay for them.
I liked the
relationship/friendship between the Earl and Saffy. At first, it was quite
comical to read as he’s an upperclass earl, and she is just a regular, young
girl caught up in all the danger and action. I felt that having Saffy as a
character lightened up the story, and I look forward to reading more about her
in the sequel.
I also
enjoyed reading about the little cat that the Earl finds in one of the
zombie-infested houses. I found it really interesting and sweet how a cat could
survive the zombies and I really hope that he/she survives whatever is to come
as I do like cats (I have one as a pet).
I look forward to reading the sequel.